Adding measurablevalue to your businessand all stakeholders involved, through developing your most valuable asset,your people.
“Your vision, our focus. We develop your most important asset, people…”
- The Human Mirror Coaching & Consultancy Team
“Success seems to be connected with
Successful people keep moving.
They make mistakes, but they
Conrad Hilton
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“Part of being a winneris KNOWING WHEN ENOUGHIS ENOUGH. Sometimes youhave to give up thefight and walk away, and MOVE ON to somethingthat's more productive.”- Donald Trump
The key to success is to FOCUS our conscious mind ON THINGS WE DESIRE not things we fear.”
- Brian Tracy
“Take your mind off the problems for a moment, and FOCUS ON THE POSITIVE POSSIBILITIES. Consider how very much you are able to do.”
- Ralph Marston
“In the end, you're measured not by how much you
undertake but by what you FINALLY ACCOMPLISH”
- Donald Trump
again, this time more intelligently.”
- Henry Ford
The ROOTS of true achievement lie in the will to become THE BEST THAT YOU CAN BECOME.”
- Harold Taylor
“YOUR TIME IS LIMITED, SO DON'T WASTE IT LIVING SOMEONE ELSE'S LIFE. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, HAVE THE COURAGE TO FOLLOW YOUR HEART AND INTUITION.”
- Steve Jobs
Toeval of nie - 13 Maart 2020
Is iets regtig toeval of deel van jou lotsbestemming? Baie keer lyk dit of dinge toevallig gebeur, maar mens wonder soms of daar ’n groter plan is. Antoinette Lortan, ’n lewensafrigter, vertel dat sy eendag iemand in ’n winkel met geld uitgehelp het. “Een jaar later was ek weer in die omgewing en sy het nader geloop en my omhels en die geld teruggegee. Ek wou dit nie vat nie, maar sy het daarop aangedring. Daardie dag het ek toevallig die geld nodig gehad, maar ek glo glad nie dat die voorval toevallig gebeur het nie.”
How to juggle a balanced lifestyle You might read this thinking, “…not another article on work-life balance.” But take a moment and open your mind to new possibilities. A new year is on the horizon and the only way to achieve greater work-home harmony is to think and do things differently.
According to Antoinette Lortan, Executive and Life Coach and owner of Human Mirror Coaching and Consultancy, effective time management plays an integral role in improving the quality of your everyday life by helping you to reduce stress, gain control and self-confidence, and give you a sense of achievement by increasing your productivity.
Antoinette Lortan packed in a successful career in the corporate world of pharmaceuticals because she’s passionate about helping people meet their goals. She also wanted to spend more time with her husband and two daughters, so working for herself, doing something she loves and being close to home ensures that she’s met her own goals too.
When I started off as life coach after qualifying as Professional and Consciousness Coach, I looked at various definitions to explain to people exactly what life coaching entails and how it can support them in achieving their goals and making their life’s vision a reality. What struck me was that every client had a different definition after being through the process
’n Bankbalans soos Oprah s’n? Om jou eie baas te wees of sterstatus te bereik? Of is sukses eenvoudig om al die balle van jou persoonlike en professionele lewe in die lug te hou? Toe FINESSE onlangs vyf lesers by die Melrose Arch Hotel in Johannesburg ontmoet het om hieroor te gesels, was dit duidelik dat sukses ’n individuele ding is. Met die hulp van Antoinette Lortan, ’n persoonlike en korporatiewe lewensafrigter, het ons dié vyf een taak gestel: Deel julle opinies en ondervindings oor sukses.
Dit voel heeltyd of daar wurms onder jou vel rondkruip... selfs wanneer jy probeer slaap. En al slaap jy, bly jy móég. Jy wens almal wil jou net ’n bietjie uitlos!
Berge klim is onvermydelik deel van ons lewe, en jy moet klim om te kan groei. Party van jou doelwitte voel vir jou soms soos ’n berg wat voor jou lê, en om by hulle uit te kom beleef jy dikwels vrees en teenstand. Dit is deel van jou groeiproses – dis jou keuse om gefrustreerd of gefassineerd te klim tot bo!
Let’s start with what “confrontation” means. The best Web definition: “A discord (lack of agreement or harmony), resulting from a clash of ideas or opinions.” I need to start with a quote from Carl Jung, who was a Swiss psychiatrist, an influential thinker and the founder of analytical psychology. “Everything that irritates us about others can lead to an understanding of ourselves.”