Adding measurable value to your business and all stakeholders involved, through developing your most valuable asset, your people.

Team Coaching

Our team and group coaching develops a team’s Emotional and Cultural Intelligence over a period of time in order to maintain & develop synergy, motivation, effective and efficient decision making. A coach works with the team over an extended period of time attending regularly scheduled meetings.

Need more detail?

Coaching fosters accountability, both for the team and the individuals. Accountability means there are rules which the team can agree on if it is not in place and clearly-defined expectations. We also know that human beings are motivated by the desire to pursue rewards or avoid consequences. The Coach learns which style works for the team members and applies the appropriate encouragement. Accountability means that we do what we say we will do and our commitment to that principle pays dividends on a regular basis.

At its core “team coaching” benefits organizations by helping leaders become better leaders, team members become better team members, and teams achieve more, more easily.

Working with a team coach can accelerate the performance of an entire group by bringing attention to the specific behaviors of the team, how group members interact with one another, and how they make decisions and resolve conflict.

For example, if a team is struggling to move a project forward, tends to talk in circles and has trouble making decisions, or is consistently overtaken by certain individuals, a coach, in real-time, will pause the meeting to draw attention to this behavior.

A coach might say:
“I know that your agenda for this meeting was to make a decision, how close are you to making your decision right now?“ or “Kenneth, I notice that you have not yet provided any input to the team’s discussion. What is your take on this proposed solution?”

By bringing attention to specific behaviors and interactions, and working with a permission-based model, a team coach will help groups be more conscious of the way they operate and will inevitably become more effective.

“We’ve got to put a lot of money
into changing behavior”

– Bill Gates

TRUST THE GLUE of life. It’s the MOST


COMMUNICATION. It’s the foundational

principle that holds all relationships.”

– Stephen Covey

The team leader owns the agenda for these meetings and all time is spent working towards your business objectives. There are no extra meetings required, no extra work is requested, and no training sessions need be attended. Team coaching is focused on working in-situ for real results.

Working with a team coach means team members become aware of their own behaviors and those of the group. They become able to notice and learn to take note of their own intentions and body language. As their self-awareness and mutual understanding of how they work best together develops, they become more effective and more able to achieve their goals quickly. Once the team “gets it” and is confident in their ability to maintain their new habits, it’s time for the team coach to move on.

As an added benefit, there’s often a cascading effect throughout an organization. As individual employees become more and more aware of their behavior, and learn how to be good team members, they start to model new behaviors that gradually become part of the accepted norms. When leaders start doing things differently, their people notice. As a result these new skills tend to “spill over” into other parts of the organization and the culture shifts.

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